Thursday, September 10, 2009

Custom Manufacturing

This is in response to an article published at:

This new model of manufacturing has been with us for a long time. When you buy a car, you can order it with all types of options. When you buy a shirt from LL Beans, you can get the exact size, style, color etc. Same for shoes and a host of other items.

Alvin Toffler already visioned this in the early 80's in his books. Unfortunately we do not have an Industry and economic czar that has the vision to gravitate this idea to the masses.

Besides, this would not work as we are Wal-Martized. Wal-Mart is dropping any product that has a lower demand to the point that there will be no variety soon. I am surprised they have not dropped red potatoes from the selves. Customization says each person is different whith different tastes in life. We are forcing standadization in all aspect of life.

Pretty soon we will be like old Russia where you could buy any colored car as long as it is black. We have too many special interest groups that work in cross purposes. That is why we are in this mess. We can not even provide health care to 40 million poor Americans yet doing nation building in two and soon three countries.

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